Friday, July 17, 2009

Weekly Blog Report

1.This week I will work on the following

Last week, I was created my own blog for IT entrepreneurship subject...I go to the blogger .com to get free space to build my own blog.I try my hard to complete the blog and try to make my blog look beautiful...For our group, we already have first meeting at tennis court DPP Bank Muamalat..we discuss about organization name and also organization structure..For that organization, I'm responsibility as Promotion together with Hafiza and 'Aisyah.....

2. I accomplished the following..

I already successfully created my own blog.I'm very happy for it.

3. My most important concern/problems/questions are:

We must available ourself to work in teamwork

4. End of week reflections:WHAT DID I LEARNED?

I realize that,to success in whatever we do, we must try our best to do it,don't give up and always to focus in whatever we do.The must important is,we must give our full attention and responsibility to work in teamwork...


Fuza said...

xse baco eh..hehe